

The abstract submission system is being set up and will open for submissions on Monday, 14 October 2024.

Submit your abstract

Click here to submit*

*You will be redirected to a different page/system.

Please note / important warning!

Please note that the hosting institution is not allowed to accept registrations from participants affiliated with a Russian or a Belarusian institution. Therefore, we cannot accept abstracts with a corresponding or presenting author affiliated to a Russian or a Belarusian institution, since later registrations would have to be rejected (Invitation letter for Visa approval cannot be issued).

Instructions for submission

You can download the template for writing up your abstract to help you gauge its proper length. Note that submission of the abstract is form-based and this file can only be used to help you in writing your submission content, but the file itself cannot ultimately be used to submit your abstract. Please do not send the file by email to the organisers, as this file does not contain all the requisite information required for a succesful submission.

Other important information

  1. The body of the abstract should not exceed 400 words. If you write the text in a word processor in 12 pt font size, this means it is approximately one page. Your abstract will be inserted into an online form field upon submission, where any rich text formatting (bold, italics, etc) will be lost. The 400 words limitation also includes possible references and acknowledgments that count as abstract text. Please do not prepare any figures, photos or graphs for your abstract as they cannot be submitted, abstracts are text-only.
  2. The title should not exceed 150 characters in length.
  3. The corresponding and presenting authors should be identified during submission (in the online form).
  4. Please pay attention when entering names of co-authors to make sure you type the given and last (family) names in the correct entry fields, as the family name will be automatically converted to all CAPITAL letters to facilitate distinguishing it from the given name.
  5. Affiliation information should be given as “Institution”, City, Country. No street address or post code is required. The country is separately selected for each institution during submission from a drop-down menu, so please do not type the country of the institution into the name/city field. Also, try keeping the length of the Affiliation field short (i.e. something you would put on your name tag); this field is limited to 100 characters and overflow will be cut automatically.
  6. Acknowledgements: Provide them before the references (if any).
  7. If necessary, references [1] can be used [2, 3] and cited according to the example style below at the very end of the abstract body.
  8. Do not, when copy-pasting the abstract body into the online form, include any other information in the abstract body text area apart from
    1. the actual body of your abstract,
    2. the acknowledgements (optional), and
    3. the references (also optional). Everything else (title, authors, affiliations) has its own entry fields in the online form and should not be included in the abstract body text area.

Abstracts must be submitted online no later than 15 January 2025.

Citation style (for references):

[1] A.U. Thor, J. Nucl. Mater 111, 222 (1999)
[2] Author1, Author2, and Author3, Nucl. Fusion 11, 222 (2000)
[3] Author1, Author2, Author3, et al., Phys. Scripta 111, 222 (1999)