
Welcome to the 20th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications. You are cordially invited to join us from 19 to 23 May 2025 in lively and historical city of Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. The conference will take place at the Grand Hotel Union Eurostars, Miklošičeva cesta 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

This conference will bring together experts from around the world to discuss the performance and durability of plasma-facing materials and components, which will lead to the success of fusion devices and future fusion power plants. Understanding and improving these materials is essential for advancing fusion energy technology.

Throughout the conference, we will explore key topics such as resistance to heat and particle loads, material properties—particularly thermo-mechanical properties—and the effects of fusion neutron irradiation on material durability. These discussions will contribute to further tailoring of these materials from the atomic to the component level.

We sincerely hope that the conference will provide an opportunity to share the latest developments and open questions in the material research for fusion applications, which are of vital importance for the realization of nuclear fusion energy.

We look forward to see you in the beautiful city of Ljubljana to have lively discussions that will emerge over the course of the conference. 

Important dates

Date Pertains to
14 October, 2024 Abstract submission opens
15 January, 2025 Deadline for abstract submission
5 March, 2025 Notifying authors of abstract acceptance
3 February, 2025 Registration opens
28 March, 2025 Deadline for the Early Bird registration rate
28 April, 2025 Online registration closes


Contact scientific programme:

Jožef Stefan Institute
Sabina Markelj

Contact organizational questions:

Antana PCO
Nina Bernard


Among the topics of the joint conference recent developments and research results in the following fields are addressed:

  • Tungsten, tungsten alloys, and advanced steels
  • Low-Z and liquid materials
  • Erosion, re-deposition, mixing, and dust formation
  • Fuel retention and removal
  • Materials under extreme thermal and particle loads
  • Technology and qualification of plasma-facing components
  • Neutron effects in plasma-facing materials
  • Fusion devices and edge plasma physics
  • Boronisation and wall conditioning techniques

Selected international speakers will present overview lectures and treat detailed aspects of the given topics. Contributed papers to the subjects of the meeting are solicited for oral and poster presentations