

The conference will address recent developments and research in the following areas:

  • Tungsten, tungsten alloys, and advanced steels
  • Low-Z and liquid materials
  • Erosion, re-deposition, mixing, and dust formation
  • Fuel retention and removal
  • Materials under extreme thermal and particle loads
  • Technology and qualification of plasma-facing components
  • Neutron effects in plasma-facing materials
  • Fusion devices and edge plasma physics
  • Boronisation and wall conditioning techniques

Selected international speakers will present invited lectures and treat detailed aspects of the given topics. Contributions on the topics of the conference are invited for oral and poster presentations.



A tutorial session with contributions from experts in the fields covered by the event is organized on Monday, 19th May 2025 from 14:00 to 18:00 h. These introductory lectures are dedicated to PhD students, PostDocs, and newcomers in the field, but are open to all registered participants.

Tutorial Speakers:

  • Thomas Schwarz-Selinger (IPP, Garching, Germany): Fundamentals of ion-solid interaction (from impact, erosion to damage creation)
  • Sebastijan Brezinsek (FZJ, Germany): Plasma-wall interaction in present and future fusion devices
  • Gerald Pintsuk (FZJ, Germany): Materials for in-vessel components: progress and key challenges
  • Rudi Neu (IPP, Garching, Germany): Current status and challenges of the development of plasma facing components for fusion devices